Monday, October 13, 2014



a.   the method used to determine the stage of completion for property development activities;
2.13 Property development costs

Property development costs comprise all costs that are directly attributable to development activities or that can be allocated on a reasonable basis to such activities.

When the financial outcome of a development activity can be reliably estimated, property development revenue and expenses are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income by using the stage of completion method. The stage of completion is determined by the proportion that property development costs incurred for work performed to date to the estimated total property development costs.

Where the financial outcome of a development activity cannot be reliably estimated, property development revenue is recognised only to the extent of property development costs incurred that is probable will be recoverable, and property development costs on properties sold are recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.

Any expected loss on a development project, including costs to be incurred over the defects liability period, is recognised as an expense immediately.

b. the revenue and related expenses recognised in the  
    income statement;

2.21 Revenue

Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the Company and the revenue can be reliably measured. Revenue is measured at the fair value of consideration received or receivable.

(a) Revenue from property development activities

Revenue from sale of development properties is accounted for by using the stage of completion method as described in Note 2.13.

c.             in respect of property development costs           carried as an asset:-
                i.  the gross amount of property development costs;
                ii. property development costs incurred during the 
                iii. amount of property development costs recognised      
       as an expense in the income statement
  iv. disposals or transfers to other category of assets or
      any other changes in carrying amount during the
d. in respect of progress billing:-
                                i.   accrued billings as current asset,  
                  ii.  progress billings as current liability
e.            the amount of cash held under Housing Development Account [opened and maintained by licensed housing developer under section 7A of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 and any other restrictions on cash:-
f. In respect of land held for property development:-
i.  the gross carrying amount of the cost and   
    accumulated    impairment loss; and
ii. a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the                       
    beginning and end of period.
g. the existence and amount of restrictions on title of  
h.  Land held for property development and property                   development projects pledges as security or      


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